Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Easter 2013

What a fun Easter we had this year!  Presley had so much fun and was really excited for the Easter Bunny to come to our house.  Becks didn't quite understand what was going on but still had a blast.
Here are a few pics from our Easter Sunday:

 Easter baskets ready to be filled and a little treat for the Easter Bunny.




I didn't even make it all the way up the stairs before Presley's door flung open and she came running out asking "What did the Easter Bunny bring me?".  We went straight downstairs to find out!


 Becks even had fun going through all of his goodies!

 Easter egg hunt time!


 Everyone came over for lunch and then it was time for our outdoor Easter egg hunt.


 Beckett and his best friend, Zac.
 This was baby Collyn's first Easter!

 All the cousins

 Pres was having a blast just running everywhere!

 Bubble time!

 Time to run again!

 Uh-oh!  With all that running, there was bound to be a fall at some point.
 A little first aid and back to running again!

 Pres and Logan had so much fun playing together.  In fact later that night, when I asked her what her favorite part about Easter was, she said "Playing with Logan". So sweet!!!

Beckett and Collyn got in some quality time too!

 After playing outside for a while, it was time to come in and enjoy all our Easter desserts!
After dessert, all the kids put on their new swimsuits from Mimi and went back outside to play in the sprinkler.  Needless to say, they all had a great time.  
Hope everyone had as much fun as we did!

Monday, April 22, 2013

First Trip to the Dentist

 A couple of months ago, a dentist came to Presley's school to talk to the kids.  Pres came home with a new toothbrush and was so excited to tell me all she had learned from the dentist.  When I got home, I called the number on the card and made an appointment for both her and Becks.

 The waiting room was really cool and had several video games for the older kids to play.  Two boys (probably 12 years or so) were playing the game below.  Presley walked right up to them and said "Hey, can I play this game with you?".  I'm always so amazed at her confidence...I love it!!!

 Becks even got his own little play area.  

 The exam room was really cool.  They sat Pres in the chair and asked her what her favorite movie was.  She told them "Tangled" and they gave her some earphones so she could watch the movie on a screen above her. They also gave her a pair of glasses so the bright light wouldn't bother her. 
I don't remember any of this cool stuff when I was a kid!


 She was perfectly still while they cleaned her teeth.

 Her favorite part was the water and Mr. Thirsty straw combo!

 The dentist came in to check all of her teeth and said everything was great!

When Pres was done, it was Beckett's turn.  I don't have any pictures of him because I had to hold him.  The dentist warned me that he would cry while she brushed his teeth (all two of them) and checked his gums.  She said it would only take about 30 seconds and if he got upset, well that was completely normal. 

I leaned him back and she brushed his teeth.  He didn't cry or anything.  We were both amazed at how well he was doing.  When she was done, I sat him up and she started to tell me about dental care in kids.  While she was talking, Beckett suddenly arched his back and pushed himself back to laying in the dentist's lap, then he opened his mouth.  She was shocked!  She said she had never seen a baby that wanted to have their teeth brushed, and especially not a second time.  She even made the comment that he might have to be in their next commercial.

When we got home, all he wanted to do was play/use his new toothbrush.

If you ask Presley what she wants to be when she grows up, she now says she wants to be a dentist.
I think this visit was definitely a success!