Friday, June 17, 2011

Lemons, Lemons, Lemons!

We decided to do a little mini photo shoot of Presley for her birthday invitations. This year, the theme of her party is going to be "Lemonade and Sunshine". We thought it would be cute to have a picture of her on her invitations and at the party. I can't believe she is going to be two years old! She looks so much older than she did when we took her one year pictures. Here are a few pics we got of Pres the other morning. Enjoy!!!

Exciting News!

We are super thrilled to announce that Presley is going to be a big sister!!!

Our sweet little baby #2 is due on January 29th! Our goal is to not find out the sex of the baby until delivery, so hopefully we can hold out until then. We've also picked out a boy and a girl name, but will be keeping that to ourselves until the big day. We'll keep everyone posted on how things are going over the next 7 months and will post more ultrasound pics as we get them. Thanks in advance to everyone for all their prayers and support during this very exciting time!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Duck Pond

Ya-Ya came up last weekend, so we thought it would be fun to go down to the duck pond to feed all the ducks and turtles. We did it a few weeks ago and Pres loved it! If you ask her what a duck say she will say "Quack Quack". It's so cute!

Listening while Daddy shows her where to throw the bread.

Pretty smile!

She has a pretty strong arm and can throw the bread all by herself to the ducks and turtles.

Taking a break to give Daddy a big kiss!