Tuesday, August 7, 2012

O is for Ocean!

Instead of doing our normal letter of the week routine, I thought we would have a little bit of fun with the letter O. 

By the time we were Presley's age, Blaine and I had both been to the beach.  We knew all about the ocean and the animals that lived there.  We knew what the water smelled, tasted, and felt like and we knew how the sand felt beneath our toes.  I feel so guilty that Pres is nearly three and has never been to the beach.  Other than watching "Finding Nemo", she had never really learned anything about the ocean.  We would love to take her down to Corpus one day to play on the same beach that we both did as kids.  It's a little hard to do that now with Beckett, but hopefully in a few years we can make the trip down there. 

To help her learn a little bit more about the ocean, we did a full week of fun ocean activities. Presley had a blast! She learned so much and was so excited to do a new activity each day. 

Here are just a few of the activities we did during our at home ocean week!

Filling in the letter O with our fun new ocean animals stickers.

Sorting ocean animals and land animals.

Presley's good friends, Lara and Olivia, came over and did a counting and sorting activity with us.

 She made her own book about animals that live in the ocean.  She was so proud of herself for reading the pages all on her own!

 We made a paper plate porthole...complete with an ocean view!

This was my favorite activity.  It took a few days to make, but we had so much fun doing it.  We recycled a cardboard box and made our own ocean diorama!

An ocean scene out of Play-Doh!

  Sorting Small, Medium, and Large.

 Doing some pattern work with ocean creatures.

  Hand print crab!

Here is our ocean board at the end of the week.

I'm so proud of all her hard work. When we finally do make a trip down to the beach, I know she is going to absolutely love it.  I can't wait!!!

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