Blaine took the whole week off of work and we decided to spend the whole day pampering Presley and doing everything she loves.
First on the list, breakfast!
She instantly loved it and started playing with it immediately.
We played upstairs with her kitchen for about an hour, then got our swimsuits on and headed to swim lessons. We forgot to take the camera with us, so we don't have any pictures. But anyone who knows Presley, knows that she loves nothing more than swimming!
After swimming we came home, had a quick peanut butter and honey sandwich, then headed to bed for nap time.
After she woke up from her nap, we dressed her in her birthday girl outfit and headed to HEB to get everything for Presley's special birthday dinner.
In Presley's honor, we had breakfast for dinner!
Eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast, fruit, and chocolate chip pancakes!
Presley's chocolate chip pancakes!
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday dear Presley.
Happy birthday to you!!!
After she ate most of her eggs, bacon, and fruit, it was time to dig into her pancakes. She was so excited when we gave her the whole pancake.
After dinner, we played some more, then it was time for Presley's favorite part of the day....bubble bath!
Part of Presley's birthday tradition is to listen to Daddy read "The Birthday Bird".
It's kind of a long book, so Presley danced around and played in her room while we listened to Daddy read to us.
Having a blast jumping up and down.
One last picture before going to bed. I can't believe my little baby is two years old. This was the best day and hope Presley knows just how much Mommy and Daddy love her.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!