We've started taking Presley to our neighborhood pool over the past few weeks. She didn't really know what to think about it the first couple of times, but I think she's getting used to it now. She loves to splash in the water and hold on to the side of the pool on her tiptoes. It's so much fun to play with her in the water. And of course she looks so dang cute in her little swimsuit, hat, and sunglasses. Poor baby is covered head to toe in layer upon layer of sunscreen. But even ghostly white from all the sunblock, she's still the cutest thing I have ever seen!
One of the pools in our neighborhood has a little rock ledge with water spilling over from another pool. She loves this area the best and would stay there the whole time if we let her. She has a little floaty that she has a love/hate relationship with at the moment. She loves it for about 5 minutes, and hates it the rest of the time we're at the pool. Hopefully if we keep going to the pool every week, she'll start to like it a bit more. It's just so nice to do all these fun new activities with her...I LOVE it!!!
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