I thought it would be fun to have Presley help me with a baking project this week. Several days ago, a neighbor gave us a starter bag of Amish friendship bread. If you've never heard of this, it's the culinary equivalent of a chain letter. A friend gives you a "starter" bag of bread dough. Over the next 10 days, you have to mash the ingredients in the bag and add some more ingredients along the way. On the 10th day, you add the final ingredients, create 4 other starter bags for 4 friends, then bake the bread. I had Presley help me "mash" the bag of ingredients throughout the week. I was really excited to finally make the bread and even more excited to have Presley's help. There were a ton of ingredients in the recipe, so while Presley was taking a nap, I set them all out so they would be easy for her to use.

I added the first few ingredients to show her how to put them in the bowl.

Then she got to add a few ingredients to the mixture. Look how well she poured in the vanilla!

After we added the final ingredient, it was time to mix it all together. I showed her how to hold the spoon and move it all around. This was bread dough, so it was really thick, but she got the hang of it and did such a great job!

My little baker! I had so much fun with her today. I can't wait to have her help me in the kitchen again. I think we might try making a pie next time.
And if anyone is wondering, the Amish friendship bread turned out AMAZING!!! It's a sweet cinnamon, almost coffee cake like bread. All three of us loved it.
How precious!!