On August 5th, Presley had her very first swimming lesson. We are in the beginning Mom and Tot class at the Nitro Swim Center (right down the road from our house) and she absolutely loves it. Her cousin, Logan, is also in the class with us. Ms. Bonnie is her teacher and Presley really like her. I was worried that Presley might be a little scared and not want to go to her, but she doesn't mind when Ms. Bonnie takes her from me and works with her. So far, we've worked on laying on our backs, getting out of the water, kicking, reaching out with our arms, jumping off the side, and going under water. The only thing that Presley is having trouble with is blowing out a breath, so we bought a jar of bubbles to help her learn how to do that. After she learns that, then we can work on taking a breath and holding it under water. I'm so excited, because we can do this year round since it's indoors and heated (the water is so warm, I'm pretty sure Presley just thinks she's in a big bathtub). Hopefully by next summer, Pres will be able to swim under water.

Getting use to the water

Getting out of the pool on her own. She is freakishly strong!

Ms. Bonnie showing us how to float on our backs

A kiss for doing such a great job!
I'm so proud of Presley! She has learned so much in only a few lessons. I love you, Presley!!!