This Saturday, we thought we would try something new and let Presley feed herself some pancake with syrup. This was the first time she had ever had pancakes or attempted to feed herself. Wow!!! She loved it! We stripped her down to just her diaper and a bib, and I'm so glad we did because boy was this messy! Not sure if she liked the pancake or the super sticky sweet syrup smeared all over her hands and face, but she was having a blast. Anyone who knows me well knows that I like everything to be super cleaned and organized. Well, that all went out the window this morning, but I was having too much fun watching her to notice (okay, that's a lie, I totally noticed...but I managed to hold back, fight the urge to wipe her face after every bite, and just let her have fun). She did so well eating the pancakes all by herself. I was standing right by her, completely sure that I would have to perform the Heimlich maneuver at any moment. But, she chewed (or gummed) each bite perfectly. We were so proud of our big pancake eating girl!

Of course, right after that, my OCD kicked in and I had to give her a bath to wash all the stickiness away. But she he loved that too! Every kid needs a picture of themselves getting a sink bath...we all have one!

What a little cutie pie!
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