My Aunt Willie Mae (well, actually my great great aunt) recently turned 100. My mom's family decided this would be a great time to not only celebrate this amazing woman but also to have a family reunion. The party/reunion was in Hillsboro, a little over an hour outside of Dallas. We decided this would also be a great time to take a family vacation with all the kids to Great Wolf Lodge.
After the reunion, we drove to GWL, checked in, then headed to dinner at the Rain Forrest Cafe.
Oh my goodness, Presley was in heaven! If we had one of these in Austin, we would probably be broke because Pres would want to go every night for dinner! It truly is an amazing restaurant for kids.

After dinner, we came back to the hotel and went down to the water park for a bit before going to bed. The next day, we were there right when it opened and we stayed almost all day. Pres had a blast!!! Becks liked it too but he was pretty tired from all the excitement so he could only take the water park in small doses.
I apologize for the quality of the pictures. We took them all with our phones and the kids didn't want to sit still for any pictures, so they aren't super clear. But you can definitely tell how much fun they had. This only shows about 1/10 of what we did while we were there. It was so much fun and we can't wait to go back again next year!
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