Now that's Pres is getting a little bit older, I thought it would be fun to do some real Valentine's Day activities with her. We couldn't fit them all into one day, so we started on 2/13. She had a blast using the little conversation hearts and had even more fun eating them!

We started by sorting all the colors.

Then we counted how many of each color we had.

We talked about perimeter and going around a shape...

...and we talked about area and filling in a shape.

She did such a great job gluing all the hearts down by herself!

On Valentine's Day morning, Presley had one of her favorite breakfasts: heart shaped french toast and strawberries!

We also baked and decorated a cake for Dadda, but Presley and Dadda both got a piece before I could get a picture of the cake. They definitely have a sweet tooth in common!

Presley and Dadda

Presley and Momma


Think she liked it?

Little brother and big sister!

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