We had a great Halloween this year!
We started our day with a yummy Halloween breakfast of pumpkin pancakes.
My little chef in training insisted on helping me make them. She loves to flip pancakes!!!
A few chocolate chips, some pumpkin bread, bacon, and a side of fruit completed our spooky breakfast.
After breakfast, it was time to get dressed for school. Presley's class was having a Halloween party and they all made shirts in class to wear. Pres was beyond excited to get dressed in her new shirt and go to school!
She was ready for Halloween right down to her toes!
Her class party was so much fun. She loved all the fun activities. They had games, a craft, and cookie decorating. Daddy even took some time off work to come say hi!
When we got home we had a quick nap, dinner, and then it was time to get dressed and go trick-or-treating. We got Becks dressed first...and he was just not having it. Guess he didn't want to be the Itsy Bitsy Spider.
So back in his regular clothes he went.
We'll try again next year...
Pres, on the other hand, couldn't get her costume on quick enough.
She was ready to go get that candy!!!
Is she not the cutest little ladybug you have ever seen???

Beckett was finally happy to follow in the wagon while our little ladybug raced from door to door collecting gobs of candy.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween too!