Here are a few pictures from the day Beckett joined our family!

Getting ready to go the operating room to meet the newest addition to our family.
We didn't know yet if it was a boy or a girl, so we were super anxious to get started and find out. The doctor started the c-section at 9:52 and at 9:56 I heard Blaine say one of the best things I have ever heard..."It's a boy!" Our sweet son, Beckett was finally here to complete our family.

Our little bun, fresh from the oven!

One set of very healthy lungs!

This is one of my favorite pictures ever! Getting to meet my son for the first time was such a wonderful experience.

First picture with mom and dad.

First bath

In the nursery getting ready to come see Momma in recovery.

Dadda and big sister, Presley

Our sweet little boy, snug as a bug in a rug!
Happy Birthday, Baby Beckett! We love you!